Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Perception of Job and Earning - in the writing

I receive the education expenses not as obligatory tuition fees but as voluntary [gratitude gifts] at Awaya-Juku, which is my private-sector educational institution, from my students’ family budgets.

I have thought this voluntary [gratitude gifts] system as a consequence of two reasons.
When I still received obligatory tuition fees from my students’ family budgets, I couldn’t swallow the fact that I myself was the price decider of the tuition fees though I worked for my students’ profits in all seriousness.
I felt myself insulting my own emotion that I took care of them.
And furthermore I had the pride that it couldn't be put a value on that I worked for them with my whole heart and body.

That was why I got the idea - the voluntary [gratitude gifts] system.
And, as Confucius said “I threw away my hesitation at 40.” :) I also, when I was about 40, reopened Awaya-Juku with the judgement “no problem” and without any fear.

So, I had examined this issue from every perspective before then, in about two decades.
And the conclusion I reached is as follows.

I desire that the other's own depends on the other's [self] and my own depends on my [self] when it is given or taken.
Because I hope establishment of trust relationship with mutual [selves].

*[Self] could be restated as “will.”

The Turkish Version

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