Monday, June 8, 2015

The episode #3 we have already reached

I mentioned a Japanese animation “Love Live!” to my students on Saturday the 6th again.
And I told them "The we of today seem like this."

adapted from 「【ラブライブ!】第3話 感想 この作品にハマるきっかけとなった個人的神回!!」の画像 : あにこ便

One student was surprised to look at this picture.
But when I told them "This is a scene of the episode #3.", they seemed to realize it.

Yes, the episode #3 we have already reached.
The drama has already been in progress.

They had already seemed to realize that they must take voluntary actions when I had mentioned “Love Live!” at first or explained the plot I had understood watching the video I had mentioned before.

Needless to say, I don't want to force anyone who has no want to come back.
They understand the need of the discrimination.

Whoever wants to come back will feel alienated from us with sadness as if treated as an outsider unless invited as this drama progresses.
Then we remembered each and every thirty students plus especially one person individually.

And I told them that superficial relationship means only performance concealing true hearts - self deceptions -, someone may seriously have no desire of superficial association and no courage to have heart-to-heart communication in spite of their invitation like the characters' of “Love Live!” and they would clear the way for the trust relationship, which is the supreme purpose for me to restart Awaya-Juku, when they took their courage to face and show their true hearts and caused problems to overcome.
So we may have reached the entrance of the trust relationship yet.

One student left this here.
I call him "Bidon" in this blog with a wordplay in Japanese and Turkish.
I think that Bidon shows everybody who come here his welcome message.

For reference:

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